We offer affordable expert tree removal service. With professional cleanup and removal of all debris.
Stump removal and cleanup. Stumps not ground can be an eyesore as well as a mowing hazard.
When the unexpected happens, we will be there with our professional, quick response service
Keeping your trees healthy and properly pruned, limits the chance of disease and damage in bad weather.
Wether you are looking to thin a wooded lot, or just looking to allow more sun, we can help you select trees for removal.
Enjoy the summer sun, limb removal should always be done by a professional to prevent disease and insects.
Cabling & bracing helps support structurally weak trees to minimize storm damage that can cause injury and property damage.
Quality logs delivered right to you. We will offload at your property site, home, business, lumber mill or private residence for homeowner.
Tree service can create a mess, we offer chipping and full removal services.
Armstrong & Co. is Central New York's premier tree service company. We are proud of providing over 10 years of service, both commercial and residential, throughout the greater CNY area.